Saturday, April 05, 2008

spring has arrived

I want to say that poetry is quite interesting. Most of the time, I find that there are many things that I do not understand about poetry. I do know that not all poetry is meant to be understood. I guess what I do find important in poetry is the hidden meaning in every poem. Every poem has an imagined audience, and most likely a hidden meaning. But at the same time, it could be just plain thoughts, no more meaning than what is stated. Sometimes the simplest things could be the best explanations.

it’ll get different
by: Tao Lin

at work i wonder
if i should take anti-depressant medicine
finally, i decide, no, i shouldn’t
later i am feeling really depressed
do it, i say, take anti-depressant medicine
still later i feel better
anti-depressant medicine, i say, ha, ha
ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,
an hour later i catch myself thinking extremely hard
about a bright green apple being where my heart should

Many of these lines are just thoughts, of an occurrence throughout the course of a day. In this case, the anti-depressant medicine could be his way to something emotional that he is going through. Instead of taking it, he decides that he shouldn’t and that he can do it. The bright green apple that he refers to could be his way of thinking that he should not open his heart once again. Maybe at one point in his life, he has had a troublesome relationship; hardening his heart could be the only way to prevent himself from becoming depressed or hurt emotionally again.

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